Thursday, November 8, 2007

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

To go off and have a life....

Let Sparky ride Monkey today, when I wasn't even around. Apparently Monkey took it into his peabrain to go rodeo for no apparent reason, and Sparky got dumped, pretty spectacularly, from all accounts.

Tomorrow, The Discussion. I didn't have time for a proper discussion today, so I'll go in tomorrow and see if he wants to pull that crap with me. If not, when Sparky heals up, he's already claimed his re-ride.

It's been a while since I've had to get Monkey to buck just to teach him that he can't do that, but if he's gonna pull crap like this, it's time to do it again. Hopefully I can catch one of the outdoor arenas empty, the trails are covered in piles of manure, and are completely useless to me.

Regardless, tomorrow I'll either be disappointed in Monkey.............

or we'll go rodeo and have a discussion.


Holly said...

uh oh....are we going to see a blog entry called "Monkeys Bad Day"?

Holly W

FarmGirl said...

Of course not!

I've got more flair than that!

Fyremandoug said...

How old is Monkey?

FarmGirl said...

He's four, and it was apparently just a pissy fit. I didn't get a chance to ride him out today, but I'll work him out tomorrow.

Farm.Dad said...

I was glad to know that sparky was not bad hurt , and he wont be complacent the next time he puts a leg over LOL .