Moving the kittens from under the bed to the box was... interesting. I was walking to the bathroom and heard a tiny little mew, and looked under the bed, and there she was. Luckily, she was at the foot of the bed (she moved them, there are blood spots at the head of the bed.. Thank you Farmmom, for the shampooer....) When I flipped up the blanket that hangs over the foot of the bed, she growled at me, until I petted her. I'm not allowed to pay attention to the kittens until I tell her what a good momma she is. We've been through this before. Once I give her the proper praise and adoration, I can do anything I want to with the kittens, so I moved them to the box, and she followed.
Here's the current attractions, and their mom, who isn't entirely happy with the whole flash thing....
Well Kiddo I have to say you are a step up from Law Dog , It seems he has to go dumpster diving , or turn over the lawn mower to get his kittens lol .
At least he doesn't have to shampoo the carpets....
So cute!
Congrats to you and Pixel.
I wish I could have a pet in my apartment. Would so come over and kidnap Pixel ... and at least one kitten, probably the panther style one ...
Cats rule
gareth you most likely would not care for pixel on a day to day basis . Poor cat is retarted , or has brain damage and she is a handfull to live with . she is a compitent mommy tho and this is her second litter . For myself i am glad fg has her for this litter and i dont have kittens in the house again lol i get too attached to the little scamps .
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