Thursday, December 6, 2012

Too Much Of A Nerd

I am. Really.

I have all the technology I could possibly need. Use of a screaming desktop pc for work (and play, it was set up as a gaming pc originally) a laptop, a tablet, a nook (the first version) and a cell phone that will do most of the stuff those do.

And yet. I want a nookHD.

Because it's nifty. Because it does stuff. In HD.

I also can't afford to spend the money, so I will continue to want in one hand and... well you know... in the other, and I bet I know which one fills up first.

I'll survive without it. Clearly I'm not short on tech. Still. I give a little sigh of desire when I see ads for it online, which sucks cause every time I want to check for a new e book... there it is, smack dab in the middle of BN's home page.

My name is FarmGirl and I'm a shiny tech addict... oy.


  1. Why must the new one be so shiny? And new! And HD!

  2. I know right? I figure it's just a good thing I'm aware of the addiction and in control of it. I might go all Gollum when I fondle new tech but I don't absolutely have to buy every single thing that catches my fancy.

  3. Hey, I like shiny new tech, and I admit I get a little bit of the "my precioussss" going on, but like I said, I don't have to buy every little bit of shiny tech that walks by. If I did... well I'd be even more broke than I am and the electric bill would skyrocket just to charge them all :P

  4. LOL, you're just you, quirks and all! :-P

  5. Well yeah, I'd suck at being anyone else.

  6. The thought of you 'going Gollum' on anything or anyone is . . . too ghastly to contemplate!


  7. I've lost a spouse, a child and two parents. There is nothing I can tell you from that experience that makes any of life any easier.

    Just keep on being you, and when I meet you I can be sure and say nothing more than "SHINY!"

    I hope Christmas is filled with good times, laughter and hope.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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