Friday, November 16, 2012

Really Now,

The new comment spam: Dropping a (possibly even applicable) comment on someone's blog, with the name of the commenter linking to some oddball shit.

I'm deleting all of them I find. My blog is not your ad space, most especially not for free. This is my space on the internet, go get your own you smarmy bastards.

I don't click through to see if it's a legit comment anymore. I right click and copy the link location, then paste it into an address bar or notepad to see where it points. Some of them at least must be getting paid by the click.

So, all you stealth spammers, go blow a goat in a thunderstorm with a lightning rod stuck up your ass, because I will not be providing you any more click throughs than I can help, you won't be making money on me.

(And now, to sit back and see how many of them comment on this....)


  1. I just delete em all... I don't even bother...

  2. Which is why I turned my moderation on. So my readers don't have to put up with it.

  3. Slay the spam monsters! Their skin makes lovely boots.

  4. I switched to Wordpress for my blog about six months ago. Wordpress has comment option that I found very nice. All comments are moderated---the first time. Once the commenter has at least one "approved" comment, they aren't moderated after that. I've not had one spam attempt since I switched to WP.

  5. Love your comments. By the way, how's the hand coming after slicing it back in september

  6. Just a note to wish your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for everything you do.

  7. "go blow a goat in a thunderstorm with a lightning rod stuck up your ass"

    That is a wonderful epithet, and I will have to work it into regular rotation, although Thanksgiving with the family may not be the best time to test drive it(no matter how tempting that may be).


Word verification is now enabled, because I'm tired of deleting spam comments. Sorry guys!