Saturday, December 5, 2009

Larry Correia

Absolutely rocks.

Came for a book signing expecting to get my books signed, say hi, visit a bit and be on my merry way, found myself invited to dinner and discussing... well... everything.

Lots of neat people who's links I don't have (if you met me please comment and I'll get you on my "bloggers I've met" list... ) and some I do which I'll add later when my brain comes back from it's little "holy crap" vacation, good food, and great conversation.

I swear, I've met more interesting people thanks to the internet....


  1. That's awesome! I'd have to say I'm a bit jealous - that would have to be a very interesting dinner!

  2. Yes, it was a great time. I've worked with Larry Correia for years on THR, and this was our first chance to meet him.

    Great to meet you and Farmmom, too!

  3. Woohoo!

    Did you give (shove) a copy of what you have written of Jane so far under Larry's nose?

  4. No, that would be rude. During conversation it did come up and I did just a little bit of self pimping.

  5. Sigh... I'm envious :-) Glad you got to spend some time!


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