Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eldest Nephew

Since Bro and Sis In Law okayed it, the Farmparents decided to get Eldest nephew a very special Christmas present this year which he is going to love.

This year, Eldest Nephew gets his first rifle, a Savage .22 youth model. We picked it up yesterday on the way to the book signing, from the place where Salamander works. It was an excellent excuse to visit with him again and meet the Newt who is just cute as a button.

Eldest Nephew will probably ask to go shooting as soon as he opens his present, as he loves shooting with his dad but having to have help to support the big people .22's has been beginning to disappoint him. Now he'll be able to start learning marksmanship for himself.

I predict a happy munchkin come Christmastime.


  1. I predict a happy munchkin come Christmastime.

    I second that prediction! ;)

    Lucky kid!

  2. And he's gonna want to go shooting EVERY day :-) Bundle up... LOL

  3. An enthuesiastic kid with a new rifle... that's a great mix.

    Savage makes a real good accurate rifle too. What kind of sights did ya'll get him on this one?


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