Monday, September 24, 2007

Random Early Morning Thoughts....

Jeff Dunham is freaking hilarious. His new special was on Comedy central late last night and this morning I reminded myself why I love my DVR.

Also last night, some nimwad decided it was a good idea to drive a steel spike through a piece of concrete in he hallway, at eleven oclock at night. Or something, they may have been trying to cram for their Finishing Class by shoving Miss Manners through their ear, via banging their head on my wall, I didn't check.

In all the time I've been up here I haven't used my MP3 player. I love my MP3 player. It's now loaded with a recorded show from my favorite online radio station. (These people are nuts. If you need proof just think about it... they keep me around.)

My neighbors' chihuahuas haven't barked in three days. I'm beginning to wonder if they chewed their way into the walls and died there.

I'm watching the news, and I've come to the conclusion that Columbia University had a staff meeting a few months ago, and someone said the following:

"Man, we aren't getting as many applications as we used to. It's not about how hard it is to get in anymore, kids today go to the schools they know about. We need commercials or something."

"Wait a minute, we don't want to pay for commercials, what are you thinking? What we need is free publicity. How can we get that?"

And in the back, the poli-sci professor is bouncing in his (or her, I don't freakin know) seat with his arm in the air, about to wet himself.

"I know, I know!!!!"


  1. ROFLMAO that is amazingly similar to my thoughts on just how this " invitation" came about , except i figured he/she/it stated this will REALLY piss off all the folks in fly over country , and everyone in the room sheepishly agreed that it then had to be a good thing . Remember hun that on the coasts bilaterally " Some Citizens are more equal than others "

  2. FWIW, that's what I thought too.

    Farmgirl, Did you ever see the show Jeff Dunham did... "Arguing With Myself"?


  3. "Arguing with Myself" is hilarious.
    We are going to be not all that far from you in a few weeks and everyone there is begging me to bring the DVD so they can all watch it. You can get it at wal-mart.



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