Monday, September 24, 2007


That middle easterners really think that Americans are all extremely stupid:

"We don't have homosexuals..." - President Ahmadinejad of Iran, at Columbia University, 9/24/07

That one made me spit gatorade.

I'm not usually political, I tend to steer clear of those kinds of things, because frankly I just don't want to deal with the trolls and BS that I've seen on others' blogs, but this guy pegged out my bullshit-o-meter so hard it broke the peg.

Jumping Jehosephat, I've stepped in things that smelled better than this guy's speech at the barn.


  1. Broke the peg? Heck, the thing flew off and implanted in my neck!

    (handing it back)

    Here ya go.

  2. Thanks Murph, I'll get that fixed later. Need some Neosporin, or something? Or are you gonna be a man and rub some dirt on it?

  3. So "ahmanutjob" claims they don't have homosexuals... from a lot of stuff I've heard about Islamic culture, they don't seem to have much if anything against it. As for the BS meter, mine generally stays pegged listening to that kind.


  4. There are a couple of excellent documentaries that prove Iran does indeed have homosexuals. However joat is correct. It is a capital offense....and the illustrious pres of Iran is shooting his fool mouth off...just like another silly pres I know.

  5. Kinda hard to pretend to be a man after my display of girlish squealing and hand-waving...

    On the whole 'no gays in Iran' bit, I have to say that I did enjoy the laughter in the crowd.

  6. Well, Murph, I thought you might want to save face.

    And as for the no gays thing... well, I'm restraining myself from comment, because I'd probably say something I'd regret when the flame war started. I said my piece and had my giggle and now I'm gonna just leave it alone.


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