Sunday, January 5, 2014

Farewell, Freind

Tonight, the world lost a little of it's sunshine. A good friend of ours passed away after a long fight with liver failure.

I had known this man literally as long as I could remember. I went to school with his son, he was a friend of Farmdad's, and I can recall a lot of time spent hanging around looking for trouble to get into in his shop. He had a huge heart and a laugh so infectious the CDC really should have known about it. 

He never, ever gave up. I swear, he was a poster child for living life to the fullest, and for taking everything life could throw at you and tossing it back with a grin. If I know anything about laughing in the face of life, I learned at least a part of it from him.

Some of the Blogorado crew got to meet him, that first year. Those who didn't, missed out, I think. Though, I think anyone anywhere who didn't get the chance to know this man lost out, so take that for what it's worth. 

Rest easy, Jesse. I am proud to have known you, and I will never forget the lessons you taught me, intentional or not. 


  1. Rest in peace. Never had the chance to meet him, but I've heard stories. The world's loss is heaven's gain.

  2. I remember the smile when he shot my AR, and how much he enjoyed it... RIP Jesse. You're in a better place now...

  3. Where do you think I came up with the picture, NFO? That's from Blogorado I. I didn't get one of the shit-eating grin afterwards, but this is one of my favorite pictures of him anyway.


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