Friday, October 4, 2013

A New Book In The Works

It'll be titled "Memoirs of a Sucker" and it'll explain, possibly even to myself, why I continue to open myself up to heartbreak and misery.

Honestly at this point it would be pretty fair to have a compulsive disorder named after me.

Neither of the recent rescues made it. I think I'm just... done for a while.


  1. Truly sorry to hear that! Hang in there...

  2. I'm so sorry, Farmgirl. Take a break, but I know your nature will take over again. I wouldn't call you a sucker, I'd say you're kind and compassionate.

  3. Awe. I'm so sorry. You gave them the best possible chance and at least they knew love and comfort at some point in their all too short lives.


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