Saturday, September 7, 2013

This is what I get

For getting optimistic. Yesterday afternoon micro started refusing food and continued to refuse food all day today. 

The only thing I can think is that pneumonia got set up in his lungs, but he's gone. 

So much for my super skills I guess. 


  1. That one wasn't your call. In the big picture, he was a small, brief piece of your life. With him, it was not being alone, or neglected as he fought a battle he wouldn't win.

    God bless you for you effort. Few would take the time.

  2. You tried, can't ask for more than that...

  3. Jess said it better than I can. It gives me hope to know that there are still people like you in this world who care enough to try against all odds. May you be blessed.

  4. You did what you could, which is far more than most. You did make micro's life better.

  5. It's harder to let go when you put so much of yourself into ensuring their survival. I've been there, the same thing happened (no cleft palate - just weakness from having been poisoned causing swallow reflex to not kick in often enough), I lost the puppy, and I felt wrecked because of all the time spent.

    However...Micro knew love, and he didn't starve to death, which is how he would have gone if you hadn't intervened. You didn't give up on him. He fought as long as he could. You can't ask for much more than that, at this point. *hugs*

  6. Don't beat yourself up, FG. I seriously doubt a vet could have done any better, and many of them probably wouldn't have even tried.

    You gave him love, and a full tummy. Not a bad way to go, when it's time.

  7. I'm so sorry. I'll chime in with what others have already said -- you did the best you could, and he knew love before he had to go. You're still an outstanding human being.

  8. You gave him your best, he knew warmth and love during his time with us.. that's what we really need, and if that's all we experience in our time here, then that too is a good life filled with what really matters.


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