Saturday, March 2, 2013

I'm A Sucker

 I was headed out to the farm today and nearly hit a dog. It just stood there and looked at me, then jumped out of the way of the semi that was behind me.

She didn't run off, and when the semi stopped too, she headed back toward it. The driver got out and was talking to her as I made it back to where she was. Again, she didn't run off, but she didn't really appear to want to come close either.

He got a couple of snack pastries and started feeding her bits of them. When she calmed down enough to take a few bites from his hand, I hopped in my car and ran back to town to grab some supplies...

A kennel, some dry dog food, a can of wet dog food, and a bowl.

By the time I got back she'd found herself a den:

It took some work to lure her out, she'd filled up on pastries and didn't want to come out even for the smell of dog food. She growled a lot, a low kind of "I'm not comfortable with this" kind of noise, not a sound that says "I'm going to bite you" or "look at how vicious I am."

Eventually got her in the kennel (before which she'd let me pet her hip as she had her front half in the kennel with me sitting right beside the opening, because I'd put the paper plate with the water on it further in the back) and shut the door. She turned around, saw the closed door, whimpered, nudged it with her nose, then gave me this look:

So yes, I am a sucker. She's terrified, not socialized, starved and thirsty, but she's not *mean.* 

I'll find her a home where she'll get good meals and love. But I couldn't just leave her to be hit or starve. She's still got her puppy teeth, fer gawd's sake.


  1. Well done! "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."

  2. Good on ya.
    Abandoning animals will be a hanging offense when I become dictator for life.


  3. Yep, definitely the 'you fooled me' look... And good on ya...

  4. You're not a sucker. A sucker is someone that believes a dog is so insignificant, they'd abandon it in the wilderness.

    Well done. God has a special place in Heaven for people like you.

  5. Good on ya! The poor thing needs a good meal and a good home, and you're making sure she gets it.

  6. Which is how I have 3 of my dogs. Annoying things, always trying to snuggle up so close to me they almost knock me off my own bed. I swear you'd think I let them sleep with me or something. Now where was that flea collar they said would help me with the scratching?

  7. somehow I think that "good home" is going to be yours or FarmParents

  8. Oh, man, that is the Sad Puppy Look of Kryptonite, right there! :o

  9. Somehow, between those puppy dog eyes and your soft heart, I think she's found that new home.

  10. Someone abandoned a puppy in my yard in 6" of snow in Nov '95. She was so young she did not yet have both eyes open. I convinced 1 of my fellow students to take the puppy home with at the end of the next week after finals. She was going to give it to her Mother for a Christmas present. By the end of the next week I was not going to let her take my dog. She is 17 now and probably will not be here much longer but she is the best, sweetest, smartest, most beautiful dog I have ever had. Somebody sure was stupid to "lose" that dog. Her name is still Puppy. I wasn't going to get attached.

    Don't you get attached either. Good luck.

  11. So, what did you name your new dog?

  12. I'll be honest, I would take her in a heartbeat if I didn't think our four cats would crap themselves.


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