Monday, August 27, 2012

Ok Some Excitement...

So, we have a new puppy. We got him a little early for a couple of reasons. One, we were there, and the gal who had the pups knows I'll care for him properly from here out, and two, his mom is not dealing well with nursing. She's in pretty rough shape so we took one pup worth of stress off of her.

He's eating soft food mixed with milk replacer like it's going out of style, so he'll do just fine.

Anyway, welcome the newest, (and as yet nameless) member of our little family....

He's an English Bulldog Miniature Schnauzer pup, actually half brother to Fuzzy Pup. He's still figuring out this whole coordination thing, and is just starting to teethe good.

We'll figure out what his name is as we get to know him, although so far the only words he's given a crap about are "hungry" and "good boy."


  1. OMG, the two of them... so friggin' cute. I love my cats, but as much as they might act like human babies, they're not dogs.. dogs just take a different kind of lovin', and I miss that.

  2. LOL, you're gonna have 'fun' with that one... :-)

  3. Oh, he is SO cute! Good luck with the new addition to the fambly!

  4. the older two are still a little stand offish, FuzzyPup is starting to let the pup play with him even if he's not really getting involved beyond not jumping up and moving away whenever the pup comes close. Farmdog will treat him like he's made of spun glass until he's big enough to really roughhouse with, because that's the way she is.

    She got a little rough with a pup once and it cried and hid from her, and that just killed her soul, so she doesn't even try to play with them until they can take a little knocking around.

  5. But she hovers and if he squeaks she's gotta check on him.


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