Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lonely, I'm So Lonely

DM has been out of town for a few days and it's been awful lonesome around the house. I've tried not to mope about it because that only makes it worse.

But he's coming home tonight, so I'll probably be spending the evening finding a way to glue myself to him, my cuddle meter is running really low.

Damn clock, go faster!


  1. I'm sure he'll appreciate it! :-)

  2. Just put the turtle in his lap and stand back. He'll soon discover that your cuddles (and bites) are better!


  3. Well I hope this comment finds you cuddling then

  4. It's been thirteen days since your last blog entry. I guess that means that your male readers can really, really, really be envying DM. :-)

  5. Dang! It's been a good six weeks since DM got back and still no new posts! No man deserves that much of a welcome (the lucky stiff!)

  6. Actually there has just been a complete dearth of anything interesting going on. If you desperately want to hear about going to the optometrist to get new lenses, or patiently combing the pork gravy out of FuzzyPup's beard... well then you're weird...

    Really, it's been boring as hell around here lately, though that may change in a few more weeks.


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