Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welfare Mentality

The first ten days of the month are hell. That's when everybody gets their foodstamp money. See, Colorado came up with this idea that rather than have everybody get their money at once, they'd spread it out over the first week of the month. Whatever the last digit of your social security number is, that's the day you get your deposit. And I detest this portion of the month working where I do.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm glad there are programs out there for the people who are honestly struggling to support their families. I'm glad that the single mother who was widowed after the birth of her third child has a way to get assistance.

However. I am sick to death of seeing people come in my store and buy thirty dollars worth of junk food on food stamps. Their children are badly behaved, unkempt, and frankly they smell.

And, if you're doing your grocery shopping at a convenience store, you're doing it wrong. Sure, we carry staples like flour, sugar, bread, etc. But if you're feeding your children entirely out of a c-store, paying our prices for lunchables and junk, you are flat ass doing it wrong.

Oh, and when I see you buy thirty dollars worth of soda and candy on the gubmint card, then whip out a hundred dollar bill to buy name brand cigarettes? You automatically lose any respect I may have had for you.

Stop feeding your children junk. Stop sending your children into my store with the card. Stop abusing the system because you don't feel like paying for your own shit.

You! Yes, you, with five hundred dollars in food stamps and a brand new SUV. Get the fuck off my lawn and out of my paycheck, I'm sick of supporting your chocolate and soda habit you overweight entitlement whore.

I'm sorry, did that come across a little bitter?


  1. Nah, you never even got into the four letter words... :-) And yes, that pisses me off too! Almost as bad as the steak and lobster on food stamps!

  2. The only problem is they won't read this and if they did, they wouldn't care.

  3. Sounds perfectly rational/reasonable to me.

  4. "a little bitter?".
    No more than you should be.
    A taxpayer votes.
    A non-taxpayer votes for more.

  5. You can't shame the shameless. But you're not alone in your sentiment, though.

  6. I seem to get behind them in the grocery store all the time...irritates me to death too. It would be difficult for me to deal with this on a daily basis.

  7. My wife runs a free clothing store funded by our church. We see these folks all the time. They're the ones who will knock folks over rushing through the door at opening time. They're the ones who'll examine a piece of clothing and then drop in on the floor. They're the ones who let their kids run wild through the store vandalizing everything in sight and complain about "rights" when we throw them out. They're the ones who steal bags of donations and slip out the door then dump the cloths on the ground when they discover it's not what they thought. (Why steal? They're free! We just wash/clean and check for rips before putting them on display. You like ripped, torn and dirty clothes?)

    Yep, know'em well.

  8. I'm sorry, did that come across a little bitter?

    No more so than the tapeworms in question deserve.

  9. I've wondered how long someone would remain on welfare if they were given rations instead of credit cards. This would likely save far more money
    than anything proposed by either party in the last decade.

    wv: prewords

  10. Anonymous= Steelghost

  11. My SS number ends in an 11.

    I'll show in my SUV and buy a chocolate milk.

  12. I always wondered how these people qualified for food stamps. When I was first divorced, I tried to wend my way through the bureaucracy to get 'em myself, because I really needed the help. Single mom, three kids, making $7.85 an hour as a CNA. My income was still too high! And this was in Las Vegas, with a super-high cost of did these families of four or more survive on, what, 15K a year? There must be some trick to it. Just sayin'.

  13. Christina:

    This is the trick ... they lie. The answer to the question is "zero income" regardless of real income.

  14. Which is why after all these years of seeing what you see, and worse, I am an advocate for tearing down the whole system and starting from scratch.

  15. I hear ya, girl!
    The really sad part is that I have a friend who works at a little grocery store in extreme SW MO and she says she sees the same thing. Interestingly, the illegals spend their gubmint dollars on rice, beans, meat and produce.
    Maybe we could exchange some of our legal citizens for the illegals with good sense?

  16. Even those of us who work in a welfare office get sick of it. Problem we have is we know the little inbred morons are lying, but we don't have enough investigators to run them all down.

    You know it's bad when you have one apply that has to fill out absent parent papers on the kid's absent daddy and the mom says his name was "Playa Skillz". Needless to say, child support called me to make sure that the client actually said that was the guys name.

    I'm not sure if they believed me...


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