Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh So Punk

In the last few weeks it seems like every time I turn around I'm hearing a phrase that really ought to be a name for a punk band.

The best so far is a band name/album combo that DM and I discussed, so I'd like to solicit volunteers to put together the band and do the album.

Because really who doesn't want to hear "It's Grape Socks doing the title song for their album Drive By Bukkake!"


  1. Please, pretty please, count me in for some drive-by bukkake? KTHXBYE.

  2. I'd buy that album.

    On a related note, is Oleg going to do the album cover photo(s)?

  3. I had to look up a word. "Drive by" just took on an entire different meaning.

  4. LOL- You need to back off on the coffee a bit there girl :-)

  5. My then young teens called their band, "The Lucky Sperm".

  6. You'll get more volunteers for the music video, I think. ;-)

  7. I can so get on board with this. Anyone in the Detroit area want to start a punk band?


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