Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life has been rough the last bit, for various reasons. It's been about all we all can do to keep up, frankly. But every time I think I just can't do it anymore the universe seems to give me an opportunity to prove myself wrong.

Today mom found this little guy on the highway. How he didn't get hit in the middle of nowhere I have no idea. He's got a couple of scrapes and some kind of infected gland or something on his poor butt, but in spite of being abandoned and roughed up a bit he's still friendly and people loving. He's sharp as a tack too...

So yes I can do it and help this little guy too. Because that's what I do.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Looks like some collie in there, or shepherd - he going to grow up to be a cattledog? Those look like paws that foretell a pretty big dog hiding in the cuteness of puppy...

    Hope life gets easier for you, and better.

  2. Thanks FG... You ARE good people... They ones that dumped him, well, not so much.

  3. Have you decided on his name yet?
    Or, has he decided on his name, yet?
    Good luck to you all.

  4. any idea how old he is? he sure is a cutie!

  5. Oh my goodness! What a cutie there! A pox on those that dumped him.
    Call me if you need anything. Seriously. If you don't have my number, shoot me a message. I know all about feces in circulators.

  6. Awww, what an adorable little fellow! Poor baby.

    You do what you must, what you *feel* like you must, because you are a good, decent person.

  7. Check the roof of his mouth. If it is black, you may have a future cow dog. Nothing scientific, just an observation backed by a lot of experience back in the day.

  8. Good on you and Farmmom for taking him in. Pretty much every pet we have (or have ever had)... dogs, cats, parrots, etc... were strays that adopted us in one way or another.

    "No, we don't need another damned dog!" is usually followed up a couple of hours later with "OK, I guess we need to get him/her a collar and a bowl. I'll be back in a bit."

  9. He's too damn cute!!!


  10. That's kind of how Irish Woman found me!

    Seriously, good for all of you for helping this little guy out.

  11. Looks like a baby Aussie to me.

    Those who look out for the small and helpless on the highway are always in our best books... like Jennifer said, don't hesitate to let us know if anything is needed.

  12. Scrolling through the posts, I see "I has a sad" with the tiny pile of dark hair, and then POOF, the next post is a dog. Was the pup reconstituted out of the hair?


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