Monday, January 3, 2011

The Purse for Women Who Don't Carry Purses

So, I have a hard time carrying a purse. It just strikes me as a pain. I carry a bag to work but that's because I've started keeping more stuff on me than I can reasonably fit in my pockets.

When I carry a purse I'm likely to leave it sitting somewhere, or have to dig for ten minutes to find something, or, or, or.

But here is a purse that I at least wouldn't be able to forget in a restaurant.

I like that it's leather, because I like leather. The whole "made from recycled leather!" bit seems a little tree-huggery to me, but on the other hand I'm all for re-purposing stuff if it's still good.

The set up appears to be sensible and handy, with enough space to carry your junk but not enough to lose all of your junk in the other junk you throw in there because you have space for it.

Plus, it's a belt, too! Probably not sturdy enough to support a holster, frankly, but unless you forget your pants, you're not going to leave that one in the ladies' room. On a similar train of thought I'm really not sure how the logistics would work out when it came time to drop trou in the potty, but just like carrying a gun I'm sure something functional if not eloquent could be worked out.

I kinda want one. Maybe when my holiday pay from Christmas and New Years' Day comes in I'll splurge and get one in distressed chocolate, if only because the name of the color totally makes me think there ought to be an equal sign between the words... or evokes a mental image of a sniffling Hershey bar, take your pick. That is, if other expenses don't eat the time and a half before then.


  1. Looks quite interesting - much like a sporran you'd wear with a kilt.

  2. Cy said it first... I'd seriously look at a sporran in lieu of this thing... that way you would be able to wear a real belt AND the sporran...

  3. As long as you promise to try to look more like the hippie chick than the "Indiana Dork" model in the photos. Speaking of which, if you look at that one closely you can see some kind of exorcist demon right behind him. Gotta wonder who thought that would be a good marketing photo.

  4. If I start carrying my 'junk' in a purse, no matter how stylish, Miss D. is going to look at me very, very strangely . . .


  5. NFO, I kind of like that it's a belt too. It's double-duty. And, I can always stiffen the belt for gun carry... I'm sure Farmmom can help me figure out a way to do that.

  6. Cute! And it leaves your hands free.
    I just hope it doesn't come with the demon guy.

  7. Something similar was popular in some circles during the late 60s. Frequently called "stash bags", they looked pretty much the same. While a heavy pistol would probably be a bit much for one of these, carrying something like a Star .380 in the bag would've been no problem.

    As for dropping trousers, I would think that you wouldn't want to do this in any place so dirty that you aren't willing to have the bag touch the floor.

  8. ooh! I like that. Would look fabulous on you, too!

  9. Recycled leather? If it isn't still on the cow, it's been recycled.

  10. Not much of a purse person myself, I finally found LL Beans "healthy back bag" a while back. The two smallest sizes are perfect for carrying the stuff that doesn't go into my pockets, but not so big as to get in the way, with a strap long enough to carry across the body without having to push the "purse" portion behind my back cause its in the way.

  11. I've thought about making a severely posh version of these contraptions. Maybe once I get through the stuff I've currently got lined up... *sigh*

  12. Does anyone have an opinion one way or the other whether this could actually function as a CCW bag? Thanks.


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