Monday, December 13, 2010

Overheard In The Car

"Yeah I think it's really important that... *gasp* antelope!"

Yeah... Vine has an unhealthy fascination with speed goat and we're going to have to make sure he's given an opportunity to kill one or two.


  1. Please put me on the list, too. Por favor. Is it a drawing thing, for out-of-staters?
    Do I sense a Mini-Blogarodo-for-Blood?

    (WV: sperr. I've seen that word somewhere . . .)

  2. Heh. By the responses, looks like it should be"Antelope!" as code for distraction, instead of "Squirrel!"

  3. AD, the big question is if your new truck is fast enough for the job.

  4. Oh gee thanks guys another list I have to keep track of :P

    NFO- There's a chance that Blogorado next year will coincide with speed-goat season.

    JPG, if you'll recall, the original plan for Blogorado was a pheasant hunt with a little bit of blogmeet on the side. That failed but if Ya'll want to get licenses and wander off to blast some speed-goats, I'm good with that.

    I don't believe there's lottery for anything but where you actually get to hunt but I'd have to do some digging to confirm that.

  5. The first time I saw a speed-goat outside of a zoo was on a trip from KC to Wichita. There is a section of I-35 north and west of El Dorado known as the Flint Hills. I was driving south on I-35 through those hills at 55 (it was the speed limit in those days,) when I noticed a speed-goat running along side the interstate on the other side of the fence---keeping up with me. He'd veer off and bit and then come back again. I don't know how far he matched me, quarter mile maybe, before he took off over a ridge and I didn't see him again.

    Surprised the Hell outa me!

  6. Works for me, looks like we have to apply in Apr for a drawing for speed goat licenses...


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