Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hug a Veteran

And say thank you, today.

From all of us here at the Old Homestead, to all of you Veterans out there:

Remember that there are still those of us who know full well the price paid for our freedoms, in your time, your health, your limbs and lives. We mourn the loss of even one of you, and honor your sacrifices, large and small.

Those who enjoy the liberties of life in this country should not forget that those liberties come at a cost, paid by courageous and outstanding men and women.

Thank you for your service, each and every one of you.


  1. Thank you for your kind words. And if you should meet a Vietnam vet, tell him "Welcome home."


  2. My dad is a Vietnam vet. Kind of. He spent the time in Thailand.


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