Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh God My Job Edition The Second

Not so much a complaint this time as an amusing anecdote...

It seems one of our local coke heads (puh-lease you don't grow your pinky nail on your dominant hand out just because you like the way it looks next to every other nail being trimmed short) got his tongue pierced recently.

How do I know? Because he came in last night and asked for:

"Shome Schig Schagsh, and a Shigari-yo."

He also looked like someone belted him across the mouth with a two by four so I'm guessing that it was done by one of his buddies rather than a licensed piercer.

I just hope that when and if he gets all infected he doesn't come in drooling yellow goop.


  1. Gotta get around that tongue-piercing tax, right? Stick it to the man!

  2. It'll be interesting when he loses half his tongue to infection...

  3. At least he has a bunch of old-fashioned patent medicine close at hand.

  4. I'm still trying to figger out what he said!

  5. Tic-tacs and a cigar,yo??

    wv "twanith". Ith that "Swanees"?

  6. If the amateur piercing gives him an infection and kills him, can we still attribute the death to natural selection? (ie, a Darwin Award winner!)

  7. He'll be fine. Cocaine is a helluva drug!


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