Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Sweet, sweet home... my own bed, my pups, my beautimous wide open spaces, and elbow room!

Not to mention a lack of smog and smoke from nearby fires (not that I'm complaining about the fire, I think most of Colorado would probably happily roast marshmallows while Boulder burned...) sirens in the night and weird-ass people talking to themselves and suddenly turning to me saying "Isn't that right??" (Seriously, this happened to me twice. Neither time was at the hospital, where such things might be somewhat more expected.)

Farmmom made the trip better than we expected... some understandable stiffness, and a whole assload of "god I'm tired" made it home with us, but she's in good shape.

Soon, I'll have posts about two different carry methods for the P32, belly band, and ankle holster. For now, I'm going to go snuggle with my pups and get some sleep... and probably walk to work tomorrow... I am so sick of vehicles!


  1. I hate Denver so much. How you can even live on the same side of the state is beyond me. Glad all else is well, though.

  2. Trade ya DC for Denver... Even up... :-) Glad y'all are home safe.

  3. No, see, NFO, that would be why I live way out in the middle of the plains.

    If I got stuck in DC, someone would probably die.

  4. Good to read ya'll got home.

  5. Nothing wrong with Denver that a pack of hungry wolverines wouldn't solve...esp. if BBQ sauce was applied to the political class of Denverites immediately before the introduction of them to the other weaseloids.

  6. I'm glad she's home and on the road to mending. I'll bet the knee will feel better than it has in years in no time. *hugs* all around

  7. Mrs. Gator and I had the occasion to visit Colorado last week. We were in Ouray for their 23rd (our 1st) Jeep Jamboree. It was wonderful.


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