Sunday, July 11, 2010

Range Report:

I suck.

Ok maybe I don't suck, but I am seriously out of practice. Went out with the intent to murder a few little plague carrying varmints today and managed that... but very few.

I just need more time behind the trigger on the 10-22s in order to get my skills polished back up.

Used to be I could lob one out there about three hundred yards and not be completely amazed if it hit a prairie dog... today... well yeah, I sucked.

Anyway, .22 ammo is cheap and plentiful and I'm sure the 'rents won't complain about me borrowing their rifles to get some practice in killing the little rodents... because I gotta get my rifle skills back in shape before Blogorado or I'll embarrass myself....

In other news, while I make fun of him for driving a girl car, Justin's Element is actually pretty snazzy for parking on a hill and killing furry plains creatures with. Since the back seats are completely removable you have a nice place to prone out in the shade and wait for the little buggers to show themselves.

(I gave him enough crap about that this weekend that I felt like I needed to say something nice, publicly. It helps that it's also true.)


  1. Practice IS important... just sayin... LOL

  2. Practice IS important... just sayin... LOL

  3. Heh. NFO doubletapped...

    I know the feeling about practice, FG - I need to get some SERIOUS shooting time in this month before the NE bloggershoot...

    Otherwise I'm gonna get tagged as Minute of Berm *AGAIN*...

  4. The Element is also great for hauling two young boys around. The waterproof seats and lack of carpet make mucking it out fairly easy. That being said, my wife drives it because it's a girl car.

  5. What better cover for a rolling arsenal than a girl car?



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