Saturday, March 6, 2010

The End Is Nigh

At least I hope it is. Feeling much better, in spite of the pure evil that has taken up residence in my sinuses.

I'm still digging on the issue of the original Pinon Canyon acquisition, including the oft-repeated in regional papers rumor of a "promise" from the Army at the time of the original establishment of the Maneuver Site that it would "never be expanded."

I'm branching out in my search a bit since the local library, chronically short on funds, has little in the way of Colorado history in that time period, and the internet is remaining quite mute on the subject other than references to the original establishment inside pieces on the current issue of expansion.

Hopefully I'll be able to find... well, something, and shed some more light on the issue.

Until then, I did some research on a vaguely-related line, brought up in the comments on my last post on the subject.

Commenter Well Seasoned Fool brought up Picture Canyon (which is one of my absolute favorite places in the area to go trail riding) and I shared a bit of information beyond what he'd known. At which point commenter Chas S. Clifton suggested a book, which I found at the library and spent an afternoon digging through to get enough pertinent info to make a blog post.

So, coming soon, some information on ogam (or ogham, I've seen it spelled both ways and I'm not entirely sure which is correct) carvings in Southeastern Colorado.

A method of writing that is considered to have originated in Ireland found heavily in the middle of the United States, especially heavy in a "corridor" here in Southeastern Colorado that is generally agreed to have been one of the easy travel routes for trade.

One carving appears to document a planetary alignment that may have happened, according to a cosmological model, before sunrise on August 8th, 471 AD.

Very, very interesting stuff, and I'm working on a post to do it justice and trying as best I can to keep my facts straight, considering I am neither an archaeologist, nor a student of ancient languages.

That's in your coming attractions, anyway.


  1. Just an interesting little bit of history: St. Brendan, an Irish monk who supposedly possibly maybe mythicaly made it to America, lived around the late 400's. I don't think the timing would work out quite right, but still, interesting.

  2. That will be interesting FG- It's amazing what side tracks we can now take, courtesy of the intrawebz...

  3. Would the Trinidad News have something? The good folks there always impressed me when I did business with them.

  4. That's very interesting stuff. I'm not an archeologist and I don't even play one on TV. Still I find that stuff fascinating. Maybe that can be my second career. Then again, many of my co workers already consider me an antiquity!

  5. Bill McGlone lived the last part of his life in La Junta, and his papers went to Otero Junior College, as I understand.

    I wonder if librarians at Otero JC might not have retained documents about the establishment of PCMA as well.

    Otherwise, I'd suggest the libraries of the Pueblo Chieftain or Colorado Springs Gazette.


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