Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blogorado Products

Yes, I finally got some products done, like I've been promising. More will be added as I get the designs done, and if there's something else you want with one of the Blogorado logos on it, let me know, and I'll get it put together.

The designs currently available are all customizable, so if you want to add your favorite quote or a saying to them, you can.

Check out the store to see what we've got! There's also a link on the sidebar, and I'll be putting a gadget on Tractor Tracks' brand new Facebook Page as well. (Yes, I made a Facebook page for my blog. Go become a fan and feed my ego.)

Proceeds from sales of Blogorado merchandise will go towards financing this year's Blogorado.

*Edit: The gadget will go on the Facebook page when I can figure out how to make it work. It's not being very cooperative right now and I think the app may be broken. I shall try again later and see if it works better then.

*Second Edit: After a frustrating while, and a bit of research, it appears that Zazzle hasn't updated the app. Instead, I put up the link on the Facebook page.



    Come payday, I'm buying some stuff!

  2. Well, you did inspire the designs I've got up so far... :)

  3. *rubbing hands together maniacally*...Yesssssss!

  4. I'll buy it all just to get an invitation to the next one....

    Please, please, please, prettyplease......

    or does bribery work?

  5. Mr. B-

    I'm a big fan of bribery, especially when I'm the one being bribed.

    That said, the invitations for this year are pretty much finalized, so there's no joy for you in the immediate future.

    However, if you do buy a bunch of stuff you'll be helping to finance this year's neat (and funny) stuff, which you will then be able to read about and get enjoyment from.... that's worth something, right?

  6. I see what you did there. ;)

  7. Congratulations on over 100,000 visitors to your blog.

    Love Ya


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