Friday, February 5, 2010

An Excellent Blog....

... That I've waffled on whether or not to link. But to hell with it, I love it and she's brilliant and I'll give a warning for those who may not wish to be confronted with these sorts of things.

What sorts of things, you ask? Why, sex, of course.

Quizzical Pussy is a delightfully straightforward blog addressing one of the four hundred pound gorillas in the room of society: sexuality.

The author approaches such things with a wonderfully open mind asking what may be the only important question in such things: Is it fun?

The things that she enjoys are not necessarily the things that I enjoy, but she's an excellent writer and even while I'm wondering why in the world, the writing (ok, and my never-ending curiosity paired with the fact that she usually does explain exactly why in the world...) carries me through the post.

It's very explicit, so if you're easily shocked, you may want to skip it.

If not, go, learn, enjoy. I love this blog and I adore the blogger... And on some points, frankly, I envy her.

She's got a place now on the never-updated blogroll, (with, of course, an explicit warning, so that I don't get nasty emails about surprising people with pictures of sex toys...) which should tell you how much I like the blog.


  1. Fun blog to read. I highly recommend it.

  2. Through Tam, then through The Pervocracy, I started reading her as well. Intellectually stimulated, but sheepish I find myself. But alas, smart is smart. And good writing is good writing.

  3. Good read! Her honesty is unusual to say the least!!!

  4. I LOVE that blog.... VERY well written, and she is hilarious...
    I've read her blog since her first post, thanks to TD's recommendation....

  5. ...speaking of feeling good in one's pants... I squee'd my pants when I got that little shoe. Thank you thank you thank you! *HUGS* Next time you come visit, you'll see it proudly on display! :)

  6. I'm so glad you liked it!!

    When I went inside and started looking at them I saw that one and it just screamed you, with the funky heel but still that elegance...

    Toldja you needed to check your mail :P

  7. Was introduced to her blog a couple of days back - and yes, totally agree, well written interesting reading.


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