Sunday, January 17, 2010


While I'm gone, Ya'll will be getting a treat. The inestimable Ambulance Driver himself has agreed to grace my little blog with his genius.

So keep checking back, folks. You'll be getting one canned post from me, and one fresh one from AD.

Have I mentioned lately how fantastic, smart, witty, handsome, funny, fabulous and super I think he is? No? Well, I do.


  1. Flattery will get you everywhere.

    But it hasn't gotten me anywhere, dangit!

  2. Maybe not, but I sure do enjoy it when you try! :P

  3. AD is a all that and a bag of chips :D

  4. Can you blog in a grass skirt this week to celebrate the Farms on the beach in Hawaii?

  5. No. I don't expect to spend a lot of time in front of the computer at all.

  6. I'm guessing the likelihood of the grass skirt falls right up there with the "photos in the tub" suggestion from last week.

    Just sayin'. ;)

  7. I've seen the pictures of him and that road kill, he's a plumber.

  8. There goes the Bloggerhood! You'll come back to find empty beer cans, spare rib bones, and someone has used your curtains for a napkin.

    Hawaii is very pretty. Enjoy your time there, you'll want to go back.


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