Thursday, January 14, 2010


Why is it, when you're running a bath, you can stand in the bathroom for thirty minutes doing this and that in pre-bathing preparations and at the end of it, three inches of water are in the bottom of the tub, but step out of the bathroom for 2.5 seconds and suddenly the tub is three drops away from overflowing?

While I'm on the subject what is it about a bath rather than a shower that fascinates animals so? I can shower all day and the dogs care less. Run a bath, and since I'm not pitching their furry butts into it, they're absolutely fascinated and want to stand at the edge of the tub and stare like I'm pulling doggy treats from thin air.

Also... chapter eight is in the works people. As soon as I satisfy my inner diva with a long languid bath and humming sappy country songs to myself while I shave my legs, I'll get back to work on those pesky last few pages and get it up. Tonight, it will be up tonight. Tomorrow at the latest. Unless something horrific happens.

I'm putting up a sign that says "Writing, if there's not blood when you disturb me, there will be."

Which won't do me any good if I can't quit getting fascinated by weird crap on the web.


  1. I think it's the same as watching & waiting for something to boil on the stove. Stand & watch and it takes a lifetime, walk away for a second and you've got a huge mess.

  2. Question one is easy. Einstein explains is quite well with his "Special Theory of Relativity". It has something to do with frame reference, mass and the speed of light.

    Question two is a little more complex. The real fascination is not the bath, it's the fact that you managed to shrink small enough to fit in their water bowl, and did so in another room with another bowl. ;)

  3. LOL- I agree with Jon, you are in THEIR water bowl and they want you out before you do something bad in it...

  4. LOL- I agree with Jon, you are in THEIR water bowl and they want you out before you do something bad in it...

  5. The dogs are probably wondering why anyone or anything would willingly dunk themselves into a tub of water if there was no treat at the end of it.

  6. Heh. I have a half redbone coonhound puppy. She's not wondering why I'm in the tub, she's waiting for me to get out so she can turn it into her own personal swimming pool.

  7. A watched tub never fills.


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