Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm Getting There!

I'm having some issues with Chapter Eight, but Chapter Seven is nearly ready to go and will be available this week, I promise. One more read-through and minor tweaks.

Then I'll get my butt back on Chapter Eight. I've had to do the old hack and chop on it three times because I'd write something, and then realize that it was completely irrelevant crap.

So really, you should be grateful that I'm not trying to sell you irrelevant crap.

Ok I know, I'm working on it, I swear!


  1. Irrelevant crap can be entertaining too :D

  2. No worries! You know you have an audience waiting when you get the manuscript where you want it to be. Take your time!


Word verification is now enabled, because I'm tired of deleting spam comments. Sorry guys!