Friday, November 13, 2009


Over to the right there's a poll. If you want to weigh in on which recipe(s) Farmmom posts on here, speak your mind there.

I'm so helpful, I can't hardly stand myself.


  1. hey dawn! sorry sorry sorry for not sending the pictures from the book signing sooner! i tried to find your email address on her blog, but couldn't. please let me know what it is, and i will send them to you asap!!!

  2. I can't understand what is wrong with people. Cheesecake Brownies shound not EVER be anything other than FIRST PLACE.

  3. That's a defective poll because there's no "All of the Above" choice.

  4. The home made bbq sauce recipe *GRIN*

    Yum! After the people and the opportunities for extensive recoil therapy, that bbq sauce was just yummy (as were the deviled eggs)...

  5. Is it totally too late to request recipes for huevos rancheros? Or a five-alarm chili?



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