Thursday, November 12, 2009


Well. You all know about my car troubles and the fact that I'm gonna be working to get a new truck in the immediate future.

I'm going to be picking up a second job and selling some critters to help raise the cash for it. It's still a daunting prospect at this point, however, because what I need for my day to day life is rather expensive. But as it stands I was driving other family members' pickups more than I was driving my car even before it blew up, just because I needed the space/towing ability/four wheel drive or what have you to accomplish what I needed to accomplish.

Someone commented that I should put up a tip jar. And shortly, that I should point it out, since they just realized that I did have one over there on the right.

Now, I haven't pointed it out and I haven't been asking folks to tip, because frankly, I consider a tip jar just that... a tip for liking what I post. If folks want to tip, great. If not, well, times are hard all around and I'm not going to bleg.

So please remember, this isn't a bleg.

This is an offer. One that I wouldn't make if I weren't hurting for cash. Not that I don't love all ya'll enough to offer this it's just....

I'm going to quit while I'm ahead, and tell you the offer.

I think most of ya'll are familiar with Jane, and she and her friends have gotten some really good feedback. I've been asked elsewhere when the next chapter will be available, and I've been answering "when it's published."

Well, here's your opportunity folks. Over on the right is a donate button. Everyone who donates a dollar gets all of Jane through Chapter Five in their email inbox.

Everyone who donates more than a dollar will also receive a thank-you note via snail mail, provided they give a mailing address.

Availability of Chapter Six will be announced, as will availability of the rest of the chapters as they're finished. I figure it's not fair to start something like this and then not finish it.

Also, what's currently up of Jane on the blog will be ALL of Jane that's available on the blog. It's not fair to the people who are kind enough to help me out and pay money to see my scribblings if I just throw them out there for everyone afterwords.

I want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of my readers for just reading. I enjoy my little corner of the blogosphere, and it's such a compliment when someone takes the time to comment or email me saying they like what I write.

You folks are the ones who keep me writing, whether it be a blog post or sitting down of an evening and banging out a little more of Jane. So thank you for taking the time to come and see me here, it means a lot to me.


  1. That's the entrepreneurial spirit!

  2. As soon as I have some money...(next week), I'll be back! I lurve Jane!


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