Monday, October 5, 2009

Linky, Much Thinky

Just a link today, but it's not the usual linky-no-thinky, because the post will make you think quite a bit.

For those of you who don't already read Bayou Renaissance Man also known as Peter, he should definitely be added to your daily trek through the Internet.

Today he honors a fallen friend, and in the process reminds us that honor, courage, and great leadership are sometimes found in what, to us, might seem the unlikeliest places.

Go Read and remind yourself that great men still walk among us.

1 comment:

  1. Farmgirl, I just came from Peter's blog where I just read about Inyati. My thought... he sounds like as great a man as any I've heard about and we're short a hero. Regardless of his religion, we should learn by his example.

    And settling debts and disputes... if the clowns in D.C. and other gov'ts could figure it out, we'd have a lot less nat'l debt and a lot less war.


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