Friday, July 24, 2009

Book Giveaway!

So, I mentioned a couple of days ago that the Farm Fam is giving away some books. I finally got the list alphabetized and the PayPal thingy created and well whaddaya know I have a few minutes to throw this whole post together. Go me!

A word about the books: These are books that we've picked up over the years that we've either read so many times we can quote them chapter and verse, or books that we've picked up at yard sales by buying a box of books for a dollar... for one book out of the box... or just generally books that intrigued us enough to purchase but didn't quite fit our criteria for permanent membership in the Farm Fam Library. Some of them are quite old and slightly musty from storage, some have gotten slightly damp and warped the pages a bit, and a couple are vaguely mouse-nibbled at the corners. I make no assurances as to the condition of the books other than "not destroyed" and "readable."

For the most part they're all in good condition, though, and just a little musty in that "books in storage" kind of way.

Most are paperbacks, but four or five are hard backs. As I wasn't thinking ahead, I failed to note which ones, but if you request those I will make a point of letting you know that it's a hard back before I ask you to deposit your shipping costs.

Speaking of shipping costs, there's now a PayPal button on the right hand side of the page that reads "Donate." In the interest of streamlining the process I'll be using the USPS for shipping, and using their flat rate boxes. The rates for such are available here. When you request your books, I'll pack them and figure out what size box is needed, and then let you know via email what the cost will be.

To request books, please please please email me your list (at AND post it in comments. Emailing me is the fastest way to get the information to me, and posting it in comments means that everyone will know it's spoken for.

You pay the shipping, you get the books. Good deal, right?

So without further ado or convoluted instructions, here's the list:

Steve Alton- Meg
Shari Anton- The Ideal Husband
Nina Bangs- An Original Sin
Nina Bangs- One Bite Stand
L.A. Banks- Bad Blood
Michele Bardsley- I'm the Vampire, That's Why
Nancy Bartholomew- Stand By Your Man
Patti Berg- And Then He Kissed Me
Dan Brown- The DaVinci Code
Edna Buchanan- Shadows
Louis McMaster Bujold- The Curse of Chalion
Rachel Caine- Gale Force
Orson Scott Card- Children of The Mind
Caleb Carr- The Italian Secretary
Lee Child- Nothing To Lose
Karen Chance- Claimed by Shadow
Arthur C Clark- 3001 The Final Odyssey
R Cameron Cooke- Pride Runs Deep
Patricia Cornwell- Hornet's Nest
Ralph Cotton- Blood Money
Catherine Coulter- Earth Song
Robert Crais- Demolition Angel
Clive Cussler- Iceberg
Clive Cussler- Serpent
Jude Deveraux- Forever
Susan Donovan- Public Displays Of Affection
Cassie Edwards- Wind Walker
Susan Edwards- White Flame
Janet Evanovich- Eleven on Top
Janet Evanovitch- Naughty Neighbor
Jane Fancher- Ground Ties
Christine Feehan- Dark Celebration
Christine Feehan- Dark Guardian
Christine Feehan- Dark Demon
Lucy Finn- Careful What You Wish For
Ken Follett- A Place Called Freedom
Jeff Foxworthy - No Shoes No Shirt No Problem
Terry Goodkind- Chainfire
Tim Green- The Fourth Perimeter
Laurell K. Hamilton, MaryJanice Davidson, Eileen Wilks, Rebecca York- Cravings
Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, MaryJanice Davidson, Angela Knight, Vickie Taylor- Bite
Holly Harte- Texas Jade
Elizabeth Haydon- Elegy for a Lost Star
Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson- Dune The Butlerian Jihad
Sandra Hill- Hot & Heavy
Sandra Hill- The Cajun Cowboy
Craig Holden- The River Sorrow
Kay Hooper- Hiding In The Shadows
Kay Hooper- Stealing Shadows
Greg Iles- 24 Hours
Adam Lee- The Shadow Eater
Jade Lee- Dragonborn
Jane Lindskold- The Dragon of Despair
Josie Litton- Castles In The Mist
Robert Ludlum- The Bourne Ultimatum
Katie MacAlister- Sex, Lies, and Vampires
Elliot S. Maggin- The Exciting Original Story of Superman Last Son of Krypton
Steve Martini- The List
Candace McCarthy- Heaven's Fire
Fiona McIntosh- Myrren's Gift
Dennis L. McKiernan- Once Upon A Winter's Night
Teresa Medeiros- A Kiss To Remember
Fern Michaels- Trading Places
Linda Lael Miller- Time Without End
Boris Pasternak- Doctor Zhivago
James Patterson- 1st To Die
Ralph Peters- Flames Of Heaven
Carly Phillips- Cross My Heart
Carly Phillips- Lucky Charm
Stobie Piel- The White Sun
Patricia Rice- Volcano
Jennifer Roberson- Shapechanger's Song
Nora Roberts- A Little Fate
Nora Roberts- The Calhoun Women (Catherine and Amanda)
HF Saint- Memoirs of An Invisible Man
John Sandford- Hidden Prey
Sidney Sheldon- The Doomsday Conspiracy
Jeanne C. Stein- Legacy
Marianne Stillings- The Damsel In This Dress
Michael Swanwick- Bones of The Earth
Judith Tarr- Kingdom of the Grail
Scott Turow- The Burden of Proof
William Ungerman- The Devil's Finger
Shiloh Walker- Hunting The Hunter
Rebecca Wells- Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
Eileen Wilks- Tempting Danger
Eileen Wilks- Mortal Danger
Gretchen Wilson- Redneck Woman, Stories From My Life
Laura Wolf- Diary of a Mad Bride

Star Trek- Various
(Due to the convoluted nature of the Star Trek books, and the fact that none of us read them or really know what's going on with them, the first person to request these books will get them all.)


  1. I call temporary dibs on the Patricia Cornwell, Jude Deveraux, Christine Feehan and Nora Roberts. I need to check if The Mrs has those or not!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, if Snarky hasn't taken them already ;), I'd like:

    Terry Goodkind- Chainfire
    Boris Pasternak- Doctor Zhivago
    Jennifer Roberson- Shapechanger's Song
    Judith Tarr- Kingdom of the Grail

  4. Okay a shorter list, how's that? Lol

    Nina Bangs- One Bite Stand
    L.A. Banks- Bad Blood
    Michele Bardsley- I'm the Vampire, That's Why
    Dan Brown- The DaVinci Code
    Janet Evanovitch- Naughty Neighbor
    Sandra Hill- Hot & Heavy
    Sandra Hill- The Cajun Cowboy
    Jade Lee- Dragonborn
    Katie MacAlister- Sex, Lies, and Vampires
    Teresa Medeiros- A Kiss To Remember
    Marianne Stillings- The Damsel In This Dress
    Eileen Wilks- Tempting Danger
    Gretchen Wilson- Redneck Woman, Stories From My Life

    Better? And Newbius says to email him with the total cost for shipping when you're ready to ship.

  5. Indeed. Please do, FG.



  6. Damn. I'm a day late and a dollar short, as usual. SNARKY!


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