Sunday, March 8, 2009

*Twitch Twitch*

Well, I'm well and truly into the twitchy stage, now.... And yes, I've had some slips, but guess what? I'm not going to kick myself over them because it's counter productive, and by gawd I've already accomplished miracles, with the help of the Patch.

Instead of approximately a pack to a pack and a half, I've had less than two, count 'em, two cigarettes today. Mostly in single puffs here and there bummed from Farmmom's already lit cig.

Mamaw has done even better than I have, going from about three packs a day (about two, by this time of day) to one cigarette, right after lunch.

We're pretty danged proud of ourselves, frankly.


  1. You are by far a stronger woman than I, FarmGirl. I can't do it.

  2. I haven't done it YET, Snarky.

    Just... workin on it.

  3. Keep it up FG! It's gonna be hell, but knowing you, it will just make you stronger...

  4. Just walk away, FG.

    That's what I did 8 years ago. Just walked away from the butts.

    Never look back, and think about how much money you're saving...

  5. I am also going through the quitting, with the patch. Haven't had one all day.

    The only way it may work for me is to slap the patch over my mouth so I can't smoke. Its 1pm and Im just about to smack the crap out of a coworker....he deserves it, but Id start and not stop.

    Good luck to you and to the reset of the FarmFam.

  6. I need to do the same. But I interface with people all the time. I know how it is when I try to quit. I too get twitchy... and also, not at ALL nice.

    I'd get fired by day 3...


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