Monday, March 16, 2009


Back on the first 24 hrs again.

Also stepped down the patch, and I haven't noticed any more cravings or twitchyness than I had on the higher dose.

And, the dreams aren't nearly as bad, or weren't last night. Of course, I was completely exhausted last night, so that may have been it.

Anyway... starting over. Not nearly as bad as it was the first time, so far.


  1. OK, you slipped. Big deal. Get back on the straight and narrow and just do it.

  2. You start getting antsy again, take a shower. It really does help.

    Lots of vitamin C for these first few days is also a good idea.

  3. Hang in there, and don't beat yourself up over slip ups. It will take as long as it takes, but you WILL triumph in the end.

  4. What they said.

    Hang in there and keep diggin'.

  5. Just keep on quitting, FG. You'll get there soon enough...

  6. Don't worry about occasional slip-ups, FarmGirl.
    They come with the territory!
    Keep up the good work.


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