Monday, March 23, 2009

Dance, You Bastards!

Mamaw is addicted to Dancing With The Stars, and I'm a bit of a fan of watching people who know what the hell to do with their bodies myself, so we watch whenever we can catch it, and the 50 inch isn't playing something else, like a DVR of the Big Joe Polka Show. (Which has NO reason to exist whatsoever. An hour of overweight old people shuffling around to multiple accordians. Ten minutes into it I'm ready to slit my wrists.)

Anyway, we watch the show, and I have to admit, some of the stars are putting a lot of effort into it and not doing half bad.

Others, not so much.

But does it make me completely crazy that watching it makes me want to take latin dance lessons?


  1. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms??

  2. does it also make you want to polka?

  3. Not crazy at all! Even my clumsy butt has fun dancing. :) (even if it's pathetic) And I did learn to get better when I took a class in tango (Argentinian) as a phys-ed credit in college.

  4. Don't diss the Big Joe Polka Hour!

    I believed it's been used to crack hard core terrorists in less than a hour. Makes waterboarding seem like a warm shower.


  5. I want Steve Wozniak to win. After the pissy comments by the judges, I'd like to see their pinched expressions when they have to congratulate the winner. They fawn over the injury of a skinny professional, but don't bat an eye when someone like Steve pulls a hamstring.

    Aren't these people supposed to be amateurs?

  6. omg. my parents watch the big joe polka hour, too. this mystifies me.


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