Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh. My. God.

Texas De Brazil. It's a restaurant. Find one. You must go there.

Its like a fancy cocktail party, where waiters circulate with various drinks and such... except it's MEAT.

Seriously. Good stuff.

Farmmom... they bring by whole skewers of bacon-wrapped filet mingon. Like, three foot long sticks packed with the juciest, tenderest, most flavorful beef ever.

And the chocolate cake... well lets just say I changed my undies when I got back to the hotel.

Yes, it is that good.

Combined with good company, no awkward silences, and a lot of laughter... it was a good night.


  1. That is so not nice! I had a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich when I got home from work. I hope you at least ate one for me! Glad you are having a good time.
    Love ya

  2. It WAS fun! It's interesting to meet people in real life and find they are as erudite and personable as you imagined them. The pecan pie was better :-)

  3. Was not. That chocolate cake was food from the gods!

    The pup was mad at me for not bringing her a doggy bag...

  4. I've got to edumacate you on good Pecan pie... :-)

  5. I *know* good pecan pie. My great-grandma made the best pecan pie. That's why I don't eat it in restaurants, because I know I'll only be disappointed...


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