Monday, August 25, 2008

Yippie Skippy

I'm sitting here waiting for my Computerized Farm Records class to start, listening to everyone BS and fiddling around on the net.

It's been a long weekend... I spent twelve hours in the car on Friday, did the Old Homestead's Big Birthday Bash Saturday, in addition to hauling Sparky and J down. I hauled Sparky cause Farmmom would have killed me if I hadn't, and J wanted to look at Miss Legs and maybe take her for the semester. We're still not sure if he's gonna or not.

I'm just exhausted for no good reason. I napped this morning before my first class, and again in between my first and second classes, and I'm still tired. Maybe all the napping is why.

On an entirely different note, I'm sort of scared. MC asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and said that since I wouldn't tell him (I don't know! Everything I wanted the Farm Family got me!) he's going to have to be creative. My actual birthday isn't until Thursday, so he's got some time to plot yet.

Well, the instructor is starting to look around like he's ready for us to chill out and get going, so I'll have to wrap this up and actually pay attention. Sort of. Since it's Quick Books I ought to be able to snooze through the biggest part of the lectures without too much trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Farm Girl- I have the memory of a drunk eel these days, not to mention life will be busy from now until next Thursday. I just wanted to be sure to say I hope you have a most fantastic birthday, even if I am a few days early!


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