Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, folks, it looks like I'm going to be spending my weekend nights driving in circles. Just got a txt message from my buddy asking me to be his pilot car driver on Saturday and Sunday nights.

I'm not real fond of nights, but it's a paycheck, and a good one. And, frankly, I'm gonna need that money. I need that money now, to be honest.

So, lets take a look at what it's gonna be.

Saturday. Up at six am for class at seven thirty at the barn, take care of the horse, get a little riding in maybe. Go home and sleep as much as I can. Go to work at six in the evening. Drive for twelve hours.

Sunday. Get off work at six am, go to the barn. Take care of the horse. Go home and sleep. Go to work at six pm.

Monday. Get off work at six am, catch a nap, class at the barn at ten. Get out of class at eleven thirty, catch a nap, go to Management at one, and Computerized Farm Records at two thirty. Collapse as soon as possible into a nice warm loving bed.

Tuesday-Friday. Classes all day. Start over on Saturday.

Something tells me I should scrape up the money to buy stock in energy drinks, and possibly No-Doze or caffeine pills.

Yeehaw, let the games begin.


  1. Take care of yourself. Killer hours and no sleep can turn you into a zombie. In the long run, you suffer more than you know.


  2. Damn. Don't think I could do that...but then, I'm a lot older than you!
    Good luck, and I hope you're one of those lucky folks like me who can fall asleep at the drop of a hat!


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