Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ya know....

When you're overdue for an adjustment by about two weeks, your mouth can get pretty sore.

I never knew you could get a blood blister on your hard pallate though. Apparently the kind of pressure I've had can cause that kind of thing.

Yes, I'm serious. By the time I realized what it was (other than just a sore spot) it was the size of a nickel. I was cleaning the denture and checking for bone spurs a bit ago and noticed that that sore spot in the roof of my mouth felt a little swollen (hard to tell with the denture in, really.)

And sort of... squishy. WTF?

Stuck my thumb in there and sure as shit it wasn't just my tongue playing tricks on me, it was squishy....

And then it popped.

And I don't mean the covering tissue split and the offending blood poured out. No, that would be too simple.

I had to clean my mirror. I gagged on blood twice.

Tears ran down both legs. In spite of the... ahem... large doses of Ibuprofen I've been taking so that I could make it to the adjustment I'm getting tomorrow without, ya know, killing myself. Don't yell at me, medical friends...

Doc Ron is gonna yell at me for you. For not making a run up there before now, if nothing else.

But ya know, that sore spot? Not so sore anymore.

Scuse me, I need to go eat now, I'm starving.


  1. Poor lamb. I've had some hard palate irritation by my upper retainer, and I've had a blister up there, too. Yucky poo. But yours sounds way worse than mine. Sorry you're having that problem. With the adjustment, it'll prolly be smooth sailing right away.

  2. Well phlegmmy not right away... all the places that are irritated still have to heal, but at least one small point on the roof of my mouth isn't the pivot for the whole thing now.

    Again I say, the man is a genius with adjustments. But when there are sores already present, there's only so much you can expect...

  3. It took my husband at least a dozen adjustments before everything was "right" and occasionally he still needs one (and it's been 12 years since he got his dentures).

    Luckily, I work for a dentist and he can get adjustments any ol' time. Not fussing at all, but do get adjustments when any soreness starts. It's a long drive and a lot of trouble now, but in the long run, it will be worth it. ;-)

  4. Snigglefritz- yes well, I was going to get adjusted a week ago, but the doc was sick. Before that, I had *no* time to get it done... so yeah. We got it taken care of and it feels much better now, and will feel ten times better than it already does when the sores heal.


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