Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

Ok, let's get this straight. I'm not a big football fan. I don't even watch the Broncos. I'm fully capable of tuning out a game if someone else is watching it. Football is just not my thing.

The Super Bowl, on the other hand, I do watch. For the commercials. Yes, I'm one of those.

This year, I actually have a wager on the game. My brother's work had a pool going, five dollars a square, but due to the heavy workload, they hadn't been able to fill it.

So, Mamaw bought her a square, and me a square, and the Farmparents each a square. I picked mine and Mamaw's, Eldest Nephew picked Farmmom and Farmdad's. If one of the Farmparents wins, I'm buying some scratch cards and kidnapping Eldest Nephew.

I don't even know what my bet is, since they decided to randomize the pool, and have everyone buy their squares before they assigned numbers. Bro will be pulling numbers out of the hat this morning, and assigning numbers. The way I understand it, the first and third quarter scores pay an eighth of the total pot, halftime score pays a quarter, and final score pays half the pot.

So, once I figure out what my wager actually is, I may have to pay attention to the game, as well as the commercials.

Meanwhile, the Black Cat didn't go to Oklahoma with Mamaw. There was a note on the table when I woke up chronicling his ginormous fit, and the phone call to Bill in Oklahoma in which the decision was made not to take the cat to Okieland.

The cat is currently curled up in a corner, perfectly happy to have been left at home, for once.

1 comment:

  1. just talked to your brother...
    Farmmom won the half time score.
    The $125.00 pot... So go grab a kid
    and start scratching. I told him to save the last one for me..And you know that is agonna happen... If my name was the only one in the
    drawing...They would cancel the drawing. Ha Ha
    See ya soon


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