Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Sparky managed to jump off of Red's back in a manner that left the saddle hanging sideways and Sparky a gimp, this weekend. So I rode the little sucker yesterday, and we worked on precision. He was leaning on my legs so hard that they went all wobbly when I got off, like I hadn't ridden in months. Hopefully Sparky will be back to riding the mini horse today, and I can get back on Monkey, with a new appreciation of just how much better he's gotten.

Other than that it's just classes, I have a test in Ag Financing tomorrow, and one in Repro Monday. With the assignment due today we're done with individual portions of writing in Creative Writing, and we'll start on genres this week.

Hopefully my disbursement will be one of the first processed, and I can get the money I need to do things like eat, and have nifty things like internet and phone and TV.


  1. Good luck on your tests. I love it when you write about your horses. Almost makes me feel like I'm out there with you.

  2. Ag Financing and Creative Writing. Hmmm...

  3. I got a great card one time-front said "why I work" on a faux notebook page with a coffee stain on it...open it, says "i like to eat. The end." Loves it! Love your blog, too, btw. Found you thru AD and LawDog.


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