Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Things are, once again, hectic.

Not so much that I have a lot of stuff due, I don't. I just have a lot to do each day. Plus, I'm on feed crew again... but this week is the last of it, I'm done for the semester after next Wednesday morning.

Next Wednesday night, T is coming through on his way home for his 21st birthday... Thursday night we're going out. Saturday afternoon we're headed to Denver, to go to the Coyote Ugly bar.

Also, next Wednesday night, some of the kids from the program are coming over to have a "blow off steam" night. Next week is pretty much full for me, especially considering Saturday morning I have to load up a bunch of people and three horses to go move cows, get them down to where the cows are, get the cows moved from point a to point b, sorted, worked, loaded, from point b to points c and d.

Anyway, next Saturday is a busy day, followed by a long drive and a night on the town, crashing in a hotel room, and driving home on Sunday. Gotta find someone to take care of Monkey for me Sunday. Gotta get Ed to get a key from the rodeo coach so we can leave early Saturday morning. Gotta get my house cleaned up (again... I'm such a pig) before next Wednesday.

On the class work front.. gotta work on my character analysis paper, gotta get started on my final paper for Lit, gotta get started on my business plan, and get my career plan done for business class. Gotta get Monkey to stop being such a brat about things he knows (got a test at the barn tomorrow,) got two horses to take care of and ride this weekend......

Posts may be sparse, for a while...... my apologies.

(P.S. It's cold and windy and rainy outside. It's forecast to be forty degrees tomorrow morning at six, when I have to be at the barn...... I hate winter.)


  1. Are you an equestrian studies major? I was trying to figure that out.

  2. Anonymous- I'm in the process of getting my Associates in Applied Science, in Equine Business Management.


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