Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I gotta work on getting some more raunchy humor up here. I just re checked the blog rating thing and I'm at a G rating.

There's something seriously wrong with that.....


  1. Well, first you'll have to stop using acronyms like WTH and spell the words out. ;)

  2. I like wth though. I like wtf too. Apparently my trying to cut back on my cussing on this blog is working.

  3. Now, you see how often I've been coming in here reading your deal, I haven't really noticed any more profanity than anywhere else I go where there's folks cussin'. But I don't know if a responsible parent would let their kids read here. Is that a contradiction or what?


  4. Hmmmm.... Mustanger must feel that Farm Mom and I fall woefully short of "responsible parents" considering our spawn and her blog LOL .

  5. Everybody seems to have slightly different parameters on "responsible parenting", but that's not what I said. Somebody might have been raised by responsible parents and grow up thinking/doing in ways nobody figured on. My point I was thinking to put across, and didn't, was I'd consider most stuff Farmgirl puts on her blog to be mild or comparable to anything else I'm around when I'm out and around, but it's stuff most moms I've observed in passing will try to stear their kids away from. The kids generally seem to grow up acting that way anyway. I recall this one hairdresser at the same barbershop as my barber... she said if the worst thing her son ever did was get the Playboy bunny cut into his hairstyle, then she didn't do that bad raising him.

    It's generally too bad we can't inject tone in typing too.


  6. Mustanger , i was just teasing ya a bit .. I really did not intend to incite a thoughtfull response and dammed skippy +1 on its hard to get tone into typing .

  7. BTW, we've told our daughter at a fairly young age (10 or so):

    "Look, we know your friends may be using cuss words, and you'll hear them on TeeVee etc... God knows, you'll hear them from your Mother and me (ESPECIALLY your mother). The thing is, you have to know when you SHOULDN'T say those words..... You say them in front of the teacher, or Grandma, or the elderly neighbor and they will think badly of you, and, more importantly, OF US."

    Worked like a charm.... She hardly ever, EVER will use a bad word in front of us, and most of the time she is the one to reprimend US if we say something bad......

    Oh, yeah, I forgot:

    Shit fuck, sex, boobs, nipple!!!!


Word verification is now enabled, because I'm tired of deleting spam comments. Sorry guys!