Friday, October 12, 2007

Holy Crap!

Just checked my sitemeter and I broke 10,000 visits today!!!

Oakland, California, congratulations! I don't have a book to give away, but if you want to, email me at the address on my profile, and I'll write an entry on the subject of your choice.

A big thank you to everyone who reads, I'm just overwhelmed with the response I've gotten with this thing, and I really do appreciate each and every one of you. Not to mention the ego boost I get when I break a hundred visits a day!


  1. People go where they find good writing. :)

  2. Conga-rats!

    I am so jealous. I have yet to hit 900.

  3. You not only write well, you are comfortable with yourself and are comfortable with sharing your thoughts.

    I'm thinking you are getting a taste of what writing can bring. Millions thrive on the anticipation of reading something that pulls them into another world. They're even willing to pay for the experience.

  4. Unfortunately I don't have the attention span to write anything long enough to sell :P

  5. Attention spell doesn't matter. There's no law that states you have to turn out a story or book in a certain time. I have unfinished songs I've been working on for years. I have yet to spend a night in jail due to my neglect.


Word verification is now enabled, because I'm tired of deleting spam comments. Sorry guys!