Monday, October 8, 2007

Good Workout, and Crossed Fingers

Monkey and I had a good workout today, we practiced loping things in class, a quick start to a lope, and then a circle, and then a quick stop from a lope, and then I took him out on the trail and we loped three circuits on the back loop of the trails. Which means absolutely nothing to anyone who hasn't been on the trails. Suffice to say it's about a quarter of a mile around, and we loped three of them straight. He was actually blowing some when we stopped.

Tomorrow the exterminator is coming at ten. I'll stash all of Pixel's stuff and Pixel in the bedroom and cross my fingers that she doesn't make too much noise while they're here. And also that I'm home when they come. I don't need the manager finding my cat, really I don't.


  1. Apparently M thought he was ok to ride today. This is good. Was gonna ask if he was still swollen but the post kinda answered that.

  2. Good luck hiding kitty from the exterminator...
    That sounds like the name of a band, "Kitty and the Exterminators".
    Wonder what kind of music they'd play?


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