Friday, October 5, 2007

Because I'm a Sitemeter Addict...

I check my sitemeter every day, and I usually check the referrals, now that I get them.

Item of note #1: AD accounts for a huge chunk of my referred visits. No, really, its a big chunk. Thanks AD!

Item of note #2: Technorati is way behind, because there are people that have linked to me that I'm getting referrals from, and they haven't shown up on Technorati. Hi new linkers! We appreciate your business, please come again, please talk me up so that my ego can be fed....

Item of note #3: I've been linked as a source for information on women's concealed carry on GlockTalk.... Thanks, Herr Glock! I hope that the piece I wrote is helpful!


  1. Can be kind of interesting to see where the folks are visiting from, neh? Not just physical location, but those that bounce over from the big boys and girls blogwise. I haven't been over to GT in a while, thanks for reminding me...

  2. Hey, Farmgirl, just for the record, I am now regularily visiting your blog, because of a comment you've left a while back on AD's blog. However, when I do visit, it could be (and most often is) from other sites, not from AD. It kind of depends on what I'm doing at the time.....

    (.... note to self, make sure I DO NOT visit her blog immediatley after visiting

    Ooops, was that out loud?......

    .... dammit....

    PS: I really enjoy your blog, despite the one time we disagreed in the comments section.... BTW, I thought the way you handled my (somewhat rude) opinion was very classy.... I was impressed with you and embarrased about the way I handled it.....

  3. Referrals only show up if you click a link to my blog on someone else's page.

  4. It is always fun to see who's sending the traffic, isn't it?

  5. Oh, in that case, it will never show up... I always use the Bookmarks.....

    (thank God though, I was wondering if anytime I visit someone's blog they can see where I've been..... ....shudder....)


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