Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Operation: Love From Home

I'll be spending some of my meager cash this holiday season on buying a couple of packs of holiday cards, and I'll be doing it soon. Why? Because I'm going to participate in Operation: Love From Home.

This is a project in which each person can send an actual, physical card to a soldier, thanking them for their service.

I've participated in some of the projects where you write a note on the website and they print it on a card, and then send it to a soldier, but there's something more viscerally satisfying about holding the card in your hands, writing out your own "thank you" and dropping it in the mail. Even if it is just to GA to be re-routed. I think the soldiers know there's a difference, too.

So, I'll be spending some time filling out cards to go to soldiers to tell them just how much I appreciate them, and what they do.

Ya'll go drop by and get the information too. To steal a method of persuasion from AD, I get about a hundred hits on this site a day. We'll assume that half of those are repeat visits. If even fifty of you write one card every day from now until November 17th (to allow time for the USPS to get their act together and get them there), that's fifty cards a day.

Fifty one days, not counting today, times fifty cards, that's two thousand, five hundred and fifty soldiers that get a card saying "thank you." All from this little blog thingy.

And all it takes is a few dollars to buy cards (get the boxes of them, they're inexpensive and you can get the blank inside ones so that if you feel like it, you can write a letter) a little time each day, and a few more dollars to mail them.

Show your appreciation to the people who are willing to fight for you and yours, folks, whether you agree with the political situation or not, those men and women are still there for you and your country.

I'll also be making fliers to post at the college, so consider putting the basics on a sheet of paper and posting it somewhere at work, at your school, or on the street. You can make a difference, and you can help with this, if you try.

Hat Tip to AD for pointing this one out to me.

*Edit: Kat at Yikes! (The web home of Operation: Love From Home) has provided me with a flier. If you want to post fliers, contact her and you can get it too. Trust me, it looks great, has all the info on it, and saves you some time. When it's this easy, why not do a little something to help out?


  1. I'm there, don't worry.

    So's my daughter!

    It's definitely a GOOD thing, we all should send cards.

  2. Sounds like a plan...If ya want to meet me tomorrow, I'll even buy some cards. I think I will be there around noon or so. gotta do some stuff and get some stuff.. ya know how it is.
    see ya sometime

    Love Ya


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