Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What I get for getting complacent...

We rode in class today, and I wasn't really worried. I expected the bay to be a little frisky cause he hadn't been ridden in a while, but he hadn't been mean about it before, so I didn't expect it.

Yeah. I got my ass canned. I was only good enough to pick where I fell.

Got a nice abrasion where my right side impacted the saddle horn, soreness in my chest on both sides, possibly a bruised rib, and a nice abrasion and bruise on my left knee that I have no idea where it came from.

Tomorrow, I'm going out early and working his butt out in the round pen before I get on him... run some of the fresh off of him, so that he's not so worried about where everyone else is.

I got a feeling I'm gonna be one sore puppy tomorrow.... the aches are just starting to settle in and get friendly......

Serves me right.....


  1. You know... start talking like that and you get a lot of advise...

    You don't have a whirlpool in your apartment, do you? If you did, it'd probably be a good idea to put it to use tonight. It probably wouldn't help the external bruises and abrasions, but it might help the rest of the soreness. Barring that though, I'd think a few... a very few... shots of Jim Beam and a good night's sleep would help.

    Well, mine's out of the way now, anyway. hehehe


  2. Well hun You know that when the leather meets the butt you best be ready to go rodeo.

    Of course old goof kept me on my toes so many years that its natural for me .. soon will be for you too i suspect lol .

  3. Mustanger... I don't have a whirlpool here. Had a jacuzzi at home, but not here. Got a couple of Alieve on it, it's not too bad.

    Dad... Yeah but the bay has never given me that kind of trouble, I should have expected it with all the activity and the new place and all the stress, but like I said, I got complacent. Not his fault.

    But I'm still gonna run his butt in the round pen tomorrow before I get on him, try to work out some of the nerves and "fresh" before I throw a leg over his frisky ass. Course, soon as I'm on the ground we're best buds again, so there are some dominance issues that need worked out, too, but the round pen will take care of that, too.

  4. Ahh well hun.... Take any old country boy to town and he will kick up his heels a bit , why would the 4 legged ones be different ? LOL


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