Thursday, August 30, 2007

The price we pay

So Since I've been whining about my injuries lately, I thought I'd share a couple of pictures with ya'll. These are of the scrape and bruise on my left knee (yes, I know, I have knobby knees, and my legs are white enough to use as a backdrop for a projector :P ) the first one shows the color of the bruising better, the second one shows the extent better.

This is actually the least painful of my injuries, and the only one in a place that I'd post pictures of, lol. Anyway, the bruising on the latest injury looks like it may outstrip this one, which is pretty impressive, since I'm already getting the yellows and greens on this one, even though it doesn't show well on the pics.

Yes, I'm weird, I'm proud of my bruises, hehehe.

Just a note, I had to twist into some weird positions to get these, which proved to be good to stretch out the stiffness in my thigh from yesterday's kick, bonus!


  1. Just curious; Are you the only one being treated like a soccer ball by their horse? ;)

    I'll refrain from any comments about your legs since 1)I'm a married older man and 2)I know FarmMom and FarmDad read your blog!

    Hope the healing continues well and you take charge and show him who's in charge. :)

  2. Lady youe earned them bruises
    honestly. I had some like that in the middle of my back when my mule kicked me......ow

  3. Dan-- Pretty much, yeah. He's being the shits, but I'm going to go out this afternoon and work him before class, so I can actually get some kind of performance out of him for the actual class. Get rid of some of that energy, and all that.

    Fyremandoug-- Yeah, I did. The bruising pictured is actually from the other day when he tossed my butt. I don't know where the scrape came from, let alone that much bruising... I don't remember that knee getting hit with anything, but it obviously did, lol.

  4. C O N G R A D U L A T I O N S


    See what happens when ya show a
    little skin...

    Love Ya

  5. Back drop for a Projector? And here I thought that was what mine were for. My arms on the other hand are darker than the wood of my desk.

  6. Over 100 viewers today... I wonder how this compares to the other time we got to see a photo.

    And I thought it was just me that gave up on getting a real "proper" tan.



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